Sunday, September 25, 2005

Terrible Tingling Torment

So, I suppose you know what it's like when your hand or your foot 'falls asleep'. Pins and needles and that weird numb sensation, compounded when you go to use the afflicted body part. You shake and wiggle the limb and in a few seconds or so the things start to correct themselves and soon it's all over and forgotten. At least that's what usually happens.

There was nothing amiss when I went to bed on Friday night. I remember waking up and thinking, shit my left hand fell asleep... move arm about, roll over and back to oblivion... and awaken to torment.

My hand has been 'asleep' ever since then and it's now Sunday afternoon. I haven't a clue what I did or how it might be undone. I've rubbed it down with good old Absorbine Jr. linament and put a make shift 'brace' around the wrist (mainly so I won't rub that linament into my eyes or somewhere even more unpleasant!) everytme I touch a key it shoots delicate little 'sparks' up my fingers. Holding on to a glass of milk, or trying to peel the bananna I'm trying to open is very unpleasant to say the least.

For those of you eager to suggest carpel tunnel or the like you may well be right of course, but I'd have expected it to hit my right wrist, especially given that I spent most of Thursday away from the keyboard and barely able to hold on to a hardcover novel because of the pain (absent numbness and tingling) shooting up my right wrist! That was feeling much improved when I went to bed Friday night, so to find myself with a problem in my left hand didn't make much sense at all...

This is just what I need with several books waiting to be reviewed; fingers too numb to tolerate more than 5-10 minutes worth of typing at a time...I'm a slow typist at the best of times.

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